Raise your hands up if you have one or even a total of 40 disinfectants for hands! Yes, we all have them in the house, in the office, in the car, in the bag ... But there is a high probability that your hands after them will be dry and cracked. Unfortunately, these tools, in addition to protecting from bacteria, can also have a harmful effect on the skin. Experts found out which problems it can bring.
1. The risk of eczema increases.
All experts advise us often wash your hands with soap after a pandemic. If there is no water, you should use disinfecting gels or liquids containing at least 60% alcohol.
Following these advice is very important, but also the excessive use of any means that can cause dermatitis or to anclamp is not useful. "It can be noticed on redness, dry skin, cracked leather and even blisters," Dermatologist explained Dr. Caroline Nelson. Experts note that it is important not to overdo it with applying creams after each use of a disinfectant.
2. Can cause antibiotic resistance.
"The impact of the triclozan can increase the likelihood of antibiotic resistance bacteria, explained to Dr. Norris.
3. They can cause hormonal problems.
"According to the management of sanitary supervision of food quality and US drugs (FDA), triclosan in disinfectants can also cause hormonal problems. It makes the bacteria get used to the properties of antibiotics, which creates stability to them, "Dr. Norris added.
4. Some affect the immune system.
"Triklozan can also weaken the immune system, so people are much more susceptible to allergies," explained Norris.
5. Some components may affect slow development.
"Disinfectants can also be smell and contain harmful chemicals, such as parabens and phthalates that affect the work of endocrine glands and can cause problems with reproduction and development. Paraben are chemicals that negatively affect the function of hormones, fertility and development, "the Doctor Norris emphasizes.
6. Skin problems.
"Excessive use of alcohol-containing products can also cause infectious processes on the skin, because you also remove these beneficial bacteria from the skin, which is not at all good," adds Norris.
7. May lead to alcohol poisoning.
Since many funds for this purpose contain a large number of alcohol, doctors say that poisoning can occur, and Dr. Norris notes that many young people are hospitalized because of the use of disinfectants, which caused alcohol poisoning. Wir gewichten die einzelnen Teilbereiche des Online Casino Tests gleichermaßen und lassen diese auch gleichwertig in die Gesamtbewertung einfließen, da jeder Spieler unterschiedliche Präferenzen hat. Der eine legt Wert auf eine enorme Spielauswahl und interessiert sich weniger für den Kundendienst.